Following the launch of GEM² in November 2020 during the BVOR’s ALV, several BVOR members have already used GEM². This latest form of geo-electric measurement was developed by QS in cooperation with ABV Haukes. GEM² provides inspections of all foil bin structures and (collection) basins.
The new, innovative geo-electric measuring system offers a solution for obtaining a Liquid-tight Facility Declaration.
QS and ABV Haukes work completely autonomously and arrange the inspection from A to Z. No fuss, therefore. Moreover, with GEM² you save considerably on direct and indirect costs. Naturally, the inspection is carried out in accordance with Protocol 6702 of Stichting Infrastructuur Kwaliteitsborging Bodembeheer (SIKB).
To show you exactly what GEM² entails, please have a look at the animation.
If you are interested in inspections with the new GEM² system, we will be pleased to inform you about the specific possibilities for your impermeable facilities without any obligation.